Active Call Legs:  226 Registered Users:  1914 Calls Last Five Min:  618 AVG: 681.5 Calls Previous Five Min:  570 AVG: 615.8  
SIP Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap Active Calls Registered  
den-sipsa OK [1.71] [1.58] [1.20] [1.4%] [1.0%] [0.5%] 17930649.6 kB (55.6%) 246200 kB (25.2%) 7 346  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
vrrpd OK 16d 10h 20m 0 1300 kB (0.0%) 1300 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
rtpproxy OK 148d 1h 5m 0 3700 kB (0.0%) 3700 kB (0.0%) 0.2% 0.2%  
billing OK 4d 11h 15m 0 6291456 kB (19.6%) 6291456 kB (19.6%) 0.0% 0.0%  
opensips OK 51d 2h 28m 83 21400 kB (0.1%) 104123596.8 kB (100.0%) 0.0% 0.5%  
mysql OK 148d 1h 5m 0 4404019.2 kB (13.6%) 4404019.2 kB (13.6%) 0.0% 0.0%  
ipblocker OK 148d 0h 59m 1 2700 kB (0.0%) 3400 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
apache2 OK 148d 1h 5m 8 31400 kB (0.1%) 179200 kB (0.6%) 0.0% 0.0%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
den-sipsb OK [1.85] [1.61] [1.11] [1.3%] [1.0%] [0.7%] 16777216 kB (52.3%) 90800 kB (9.3%) 7 346  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
vrrpd OK 16d 10h 28m 0 1500 kB (0.0%) 1500 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
rtpproxy OK 283d 11h 42m 0 3900 kB (0.0%) 3900 kB (0.0%) 0.4% 0.4%  
billing OK 5d 14h 46m 0 6606028.8 kB (20.4%) 6606028.8 kB (20.4%) 0.0% 0.0%  
opensips OK 16d 10h 35m 83 21900 kB (0.1%) 84829798.4 kB (100.0%) 0.0% 1.0%  
mysql OK 283d 11h 42m 0 4299161.6 kB (13.3%) 4299161.6 kB (13.3%) 0.1% 0.1%  
mongodb OK 283d 11h 42m 0 166300 kB (0.5%) 166300 kB (0.5%) 0.0% 0.0%  
ipblocker OK 283d 11h 40m 1 2800 kB (0.0%) 3500 kB (0.0%) 0.2% 0.2%  
garbd OK 283d 11h 42m 0 12900 kB (0.0%) 12900 kB (0.0%) 0.1% 0.1%  
apache2 OK 283d 11h 42m 6 31600 kB (0.1%) 144400 kB (0.5%) 0.0% 0.0%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
sipsa OK [1.25] [1.22] [1.13] [0.7%] [0.7%] [1.4%] 17301504 kB (34.9%) 103000 kB (10.6%) 219 1568  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
vrrpd OK 45d 2h 28m 0 1200 kB (0.0%) 1200 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
rtpproxy OK 147d 23h 24m 0 3500 kB (0.0%) 3500 kB (0.0%) 0.4% 0.4%  
billing OK 4d 16h 12m 0 6396313.6 kB (12.9%) 6396313.6 kB (12.9%) 0.0% 0.0%  
opensips OK 45d 3h 41m 83 20200 kB (0.0%) 142291763.2 kB (100.0%) 0.0% 1.0%  
mysql OK 147d 23h 25m 0 4299161.6 kB (8.7%) 4299161.6 kB (8.7%) 0.1% 0.1%  
ipblocker OK 147d 23h 20m 1 2900 kB (0.0%) 3600 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
apache2 OK 147d 23h 24m 9 31400 kB (0.1%) 199200 kB (0.4%) 0.0% 0.0%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
sipsb OK [0.57] [0.67] [0.68] [1.2%] [1.0%] [2.1%] 19608371.2 kB (39.8%) 13800 kB (1.4%) 219 1568  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
vrrpd OK 106d 3h 15m 0 1500 kB (0.0%) 1500 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
rtpproxy Not monitored kB (%) kB (%) % %  
billing OK 4d 16h 48m 0 6396313.6 kB (12.9%) 6396313.6 kB (12.9%) 0.0% 0.0%  
opensips OK 45d 3h 59m 83 24000 kB (0.0%) 141243187.2 kB (100.0%) 0.0% 1.3%  
mysql OK 148d 11h 48m 0 4299161.6 kB (8.8%) 4299161.6 kB (8.8%) 0.1% 0.1%  
ipblocker OK 148d 11h 45m 1 2900 kB (0.0%) 3600 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
apache2 OK 148d 11h 48m 7 31300 kB (0.1%) 161900 kB (0.3%) 0.0% 0.0%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
SIP MySQL Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap  
mysqla OK [0.19] [0.17] [0.17] [1.3%] [0.0%] [0.0%] 66584576 kB (66.2%) 9200 kB (0.9%)  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
den-mysqla OK [0.84] [0.65] [0.45] [0.2%] [0.3%] [0.0%] 62390272 kB (62.0%) 2800 kB (0.3%)  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
RTP Proxy Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap Session/48HRs PCT No/OW Audio
rtpa OK [0.04] [0.05] [0.00] [0.1%] [0.3%] [0.0%] 584500 kB (14.8%) 0 kB (0.0%) 7201540 8.99
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 147d 23h 24m 0 7400 kB (0.2%) 7400 kB (0.2%) 0.9% 0.9%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpb OK [0.02] [0.09] [0.08] [0.2%] [1.0%] [0.0%] 386700 kB (19.4%) 0 kB (0.0%) 3851268 8.96
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 148d 11h 47m 0 4300 kB (0.2%) 4300 kB (0.2%) 2.0% 2.0%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpc OK [0.01] [0.02] [0.00] [0.3%] [0.4%] [0.1%] 344200 kB (11.6%) 0 kB (0.0%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 4d 0h 33m 0 3800 kB (0.1%) 3800 kB (0.1%) 1.2% 1.2%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpd OK [0.14] [0.16] [0.12] [1.7%] [6.0%] [0.2%] 394800 kB (13.3%) 0 kB (0.0%) 7330111 8.93
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 148d 11h 47m 0 5100 kB (0.2%) 5100 kB (0.2%) 7.0% 7.0%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpe OK [0.02] [0.03] [0.00] [0.4%] [1.1%] [0.0%] 275000 kB (13.9%) 10400 kB (1.1%) 3996932 8.72
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 290d 23h 20m 0 6300 kB (0.3%) 6300 kB (0.3%) 1.4% 1.4%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpf OK [0.01] [0.02] [0.00] [0.5%] [0.7%] [0.0%] 243200 kB (12.3%) 6200 kB (0.6%) 3892167 8.87
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 147d 23h 23m 0 9300 kB (0.5%) 9300 kB (0.5%) 1.4% 1.4%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpg OK [0.08] [0.06] [0.01] [0.3%] [0.4%] [0.0%] 239700 kB (12.2%) 5400 kB (0.6%) 3913751 8.72
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 147d 23h 23m 0 5200 kB (0.3%) 5200 kB (0.3%) 1.2% 1.2%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtph OK [0.11] [0.06] [0.01] [0.3%] [0.6%] [0.0%] 271100 kB (13.7%) 10900 kB (1.1%) 3910810 8.73
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 290d 23h 20m 0 6400 kB (0.3%) 6400 kB (0.3%) 1.6% 1.6%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
den-rtpa OK [0.07] [0.05] [0.00] [0.0%] [0.2%] [0.0%] 672400 kB (17.3%) 0 kB (0.0%) 6628250 6.02
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 39d 2h 26m 0 7700 kB (0.2%) 7700 kB (0.2%) 0.5% 0.5%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
den-rtpb OK [0.12] [0.05] [0.01] [0.1%] [0.6%] [0.0%] 393400 kB (19.7%) 0 kB (0.0%) 3202639 5.74
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 56d 15h 57m 0 10900 kB (0.5%) 10900 kB (0.5%) 1.3% 1.3%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
den-rtpc OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.2%] [0.3%] [0.3%] 408600 kB (13.8%) 0 kB (0.0%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 281d 13h 50m 0 4600 kB (0.2%) 4600 kB (0.2%) 0.9% 0.9%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
den-rtpd OK [0.01] [0.02] [0.00] [0.3%] [0.8%] [0.1%] 422900 kB (14.2%) 0 kB (0.0%) 1603766 5.41
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 283d 11h 42m 0 3700 kB (0.1%) 3700 kB (0.1%) 2.2% 2.2%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpApick OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.2%] [0.0%] [0.2%] 249200 kB (8.5%) 3600 kB (0.4%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 234d 17h 26m 0 5300 kB (0.2%) 5300 kB (0.2%) 0.2% 0.2%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpBpick OK [0.00] [0.01] [0.00] [0.0%] [0.1%] [0.2%] 249000 kB (8.5%) 5800 kB (0.6%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 234d 17h 26m 0 5300 kB (0.2%) 5300 kB (0.2%) 0.7% 0.7%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpCpick OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.1%] [0.1%] [0.1%] 245300 kB (8.3%) 3600 kB (0.4%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 234d 17h 26m 0 3300 kB (0.1%) 3300 kB (0.1%) 0.2% 0.2%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpDpick OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.0%] [0.2%] [0.2%] 249500 kB (8.5%) 4200 kB (0.4%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 234d 17h 26m 0 3800 kB (0.1%) 3800 kB (0.1%) 0.7% 0.7%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpEpick OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.1%] [0.1%] [0.1%] 249600 kB (8.6%) 6300 kB (0.7%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 54d 8h 34m 0 5500 kB (0.2%) 5500 kB (0.2%) 0.7% 0.7%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpFpick OK [0.00] [0.01] [0.00] [0.2%] [0.2%] [0.2%] 250700 kB (8.5%) 6200 kB (0.6%) 0 0
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 39d 15h 4m 0 5700 kB (0.2%) 5700 kB (0.2%) 0.3% 0.3%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpGpick OK [0.04] [0.08] [0.05] [0.7%] [1.6%] [0.1%] 248900 kB (8.5%) 5800 kB (0.6%) 3875157 8.9
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 234d 17h 26m 0 5400 kB (0.2%) 5400 kB (0.2%) 4.2% 4.2%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
rtpHpick OK [0.04] [0.05] [0.01] [1.3%] [1.5%] [0.1%] 255300 kB (8.7%) 5600 kB (0.6%) 3896272 9.31
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
rtpproxy OK 234d 17h 26m 0 5300 kB (0.2%) 5300 kB (0.2%) 4.6% 4.6%  
Filesystems Status Used Free  
filesystem-root OK (%)  
Feature Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap Active Calls Registered  
mirtaasterisk1col OK [0.00] [0.05] [0.07] [0.6%] [0.4%] [0.0%] 1992294.4 kB (3.1%) 0 kB (0.0%)  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 589d 8h 12m 0 1200 kB (0.0%) 1200 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
asterisk OK 153d 22h 23m 20 221500 kB (0.3%) 469800 kB (0.7%) 0.3% 0.3%  
voipmonitor OK 241d 17h 49m 0 102300 kB (0.2%) 102300 kB (0.2%) 0.9% 0.9%  
mirtaasterisk2col OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.2%] [0.3%] [0.0%] 2936012.8 kB (4.4%) 0 kB (0.0%)  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 589d 8h 12m 0 1200 kB (0.0%) 1200 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
asterisk OK 97d 23h 46m 0 124200 kB (0.2%) 124200 kB (0.2%) 0.0% 0.0%  
voipmonitor OK 368d 13h 59m 0 102300 kB (0.2%) 102300 kB (0.2%) 0.6% 0.6%  
apache OK 589d 8h 12m 10 17500 kB (0.0%) 208000 kB (0.3%) 0.0% 0.0%  
mirtaasterisk1den OK [0.02] [0.06] [0.05] [0.2%] [0.2%] [0.0%] 1677721.6 kB (2.6%) 0 kB (0.0%)  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 107d 11h 27m 0 1200 kB (0.0%) 1200 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
asterisk OK 107d 11h 23m 1 334100 kB (0.5%) 348800 kB (0.5%) 0.0% 0.0%  
voipmonitor OK 95d 15h 51m 0 98500 kB (0.2%) 98500 kB (0.2%) 0.5% 0.5%  
apache OK 107d 11h 27m 20 16100 kB (0.0%) 400100 kB (0.6%) 0.0% 0.0%  
mirtaasterisk2den OK [0.02] [0.06] [0.05] [0.2%] [0.2%] [0.0%] 2516582.4 kB (3.8%) 0 kB (0.0%)  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 107d 11h 24m 0 1200 kB (0.0%) 1200 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
asterisk OK 107d 11h 22m 1 111400 kB (0.2%) 111400 kB (0.2%) 0.0% 0.0%  
voipmonitor OK 107d 11h 22m 0 101700 kB (0.2%) 101700 kB (0.2%) 0.5% 0.5%  
apache OK 107d 11h 24m 20 16000 kB (0.0%) 385500 kB (0.6%) 0.0% 0.0%  
Feature MySQL Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap Slave IO Slave SQL Last Errno Seconds Behind  
mirtadb1col OK [0.00] [0.05] [0.07] [0.1%] [0.0%] [0.0%] 37119590.4 kB (56.3%) 536700 kB (2.2%) Running Running 0 0  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 589d 8h 12m 0 620 kB (0.0%) 620 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
mysqld OK 589d 8h 12m 0 36595302.4 kB (55.4%) 36595302.4 kB (55.4%) 0.1% 0.1%  
mirtadb2col OK [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.1%] [0.0%] [0.0%] 36805017.6 kB (74.5%) 2516582.4 kB (10.2%) Running Running 0 0  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 589d 8h 12m 0 624 kB (0.0%) 624 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
mysqld OK 588d 23h 35m 0 36175872 kB (73.2%) 36175872 kB (73.2%) 0.1% 0.1%  
mirtadb1den OK [0.17] [0.08] [0.02] [0.1%] [0.0%] [0.0%] 36490444.8 kB (55.4%) 1572864 kB (4.8%) Running Running 0 0  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 107d 10h 47m 0 620 kB (0.0%) 620 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
mysqld OK 95d 17h 15m 0 35966156.8 kB (54.5%) 35966156.8 kB (54.5%) 0.1% 0.1%  
Web Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap  
admin OK [0.36] [0.43] [0.43] [1.3%] [1.4%] [0.1%] 1258291.2 kB (6.1%) 72300 kB (2.2%)  
Processes Status Uptime Children Memory Total Memory CPU Total CPU  
sshd OK 206d 22h 18m 0 568 kB (0.0%) 568 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
mysql OK 602d 21h 31m 0 67200 kB (0.3%) 67200 kB (0.3%) 1.0% 1.0%  
apache OK 192d 18h 26m 20 29700 kB (0.2%) 1572864 kB (7.7%) 0.0% 0.0%  
vsftpd OK 277d 23h 17m 0 300 kB (0.0%) 300 kB (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0%  
External Admin MySQL Servers
Server Status Load Avg CPU Memory Swap Slave IO Slave SQL Last Errno Seconds Behind  
Current FVC Customer Summary As Of: 2024-07-27 09:05:01
11 active active true  
2 active comped true  
1 active active false  
1 active active true  
2 active active true  
106 active active false  
198 active comped false  
9352 inactive cancelled false  
14 insignup turnup false  
506 insignup comped false  
1 inactive cancelled true  
1 active comped true  
1 inactive cancelled false  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active comped true  
1 active active true  
1 inactive cancelled true  
1 active active false  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 inactive cancelled true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active active true  
1 active comped true  
1 active active true  
1 inactive cancelled false  
Calls In Last Hour
1 listFVCCustomers true  
Calls In Last 24 Hours
+ 682 activateEndpoint false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 682 23 Endpoint missing provisioned TN or E911
33 activateEndpoint true  
1 add911 true  
2 addFVCEndpoint true  
1 addTN true  
60 auditFVCEndpoints true  
564 get911List true  
46 getCredit true  
412 getCustomerInfo true  
2 getDIDs true  
562 getDIDsDetailed true  
+ 718 getEndpointInfo false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 1 1 Endpoint not found or not authorized
Breakdown 717 62 Endpoint not provisioned
381 getEndpointInfo true  
+ 500 getFortiTCRBrands false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 500 0 No Brands found
18 getFortiTCRBrands true  
+ 147 getFVCEndpointByExternalId false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 147 1 Endpoint not found or not authorized
1395 getFVCEndpointByExternalId true  
+ 1 getLocalNumbers false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 1 6 No numbers available in that area
1 getLocalNumbers true  
2 getNumberStateList2 true  
1 getRateCentersForState true  
24 listFVCCustomers true  
+ 12 moveTN false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 12 24 Number provided is currently set as default caller ID number. Must change default CID first
2 removeFVCEndpoint true  
24 resolveSRVs true  
1 suspendEndpoint true  
+ 18 updateFVCEndpointSettings false  
  Count Error Code Error Message
Breakdown 6 0 No change
Breakdown 12 52 Must activate billing first or reduce number of TNs
3 updateFVCEndpointSettings true  
1 validateLocation true